Thinking of selling? Inventory is low.

Thinking of selling your home? Housing inventory is extremely low and this is a problem in many markets throughout the country. In a typically healthy market any neighborhood would have about six months worth of inventory. What we are seeing in many neighborhoods is actually inventory that is as low as one or two months. What this means is that buys are not able to find homes to buy. This also means that when seller’s are listing their homes they are getting multiple offers and homes are selling over list price. That is in cases where the homes were listed in line with the high end of market values of the most comparable homes. If you start your list price higher it will stay on the market longer, how long…
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Short sale and foreclosure: How are they different?

buying, investing, selling
As unfortunate as it can be when homeowners fall behind on mortgage payments and must face the possibility of losing their homes, short sales and foreclosures provide them options for moving on financially. The terms are often used interchangeably, but they’re actually quite different, with varying timelines and financial impact on the homeowner. Here’s a brief overview. A short sale comes into play when a homeowner needs to sell their home but the home is worth less than the remaining balance that they owe. The lender can allow the homeowner to sell the home for less than the amount owed, freeing the homeowner from the financial predicament. On the buyer side, short sales typically take three to four months to complete and many of the closing and repair costs are…
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